Sunday, May 16, 2010

Uses of Mobile Advertising in different cultures

Being an Internet marketer entails having the ability to identify possible opportunities to connect with consumers regardless of the type of media channel. Mobile technology is a channel that allows marketers to create unique content and communicate it directly to consumers that have an “on-the-go” mentality, based on their needs, wants, and desires. One of the most effective ways to connect with consumers when it comes to mobile advertising, is by focusing on location-based search results and rich-media mobile apps. It’s important to remember that consumers - as a whole - have already adopted the use of mobile technology. Therefore, we as marketers must pay close attention to the relevancy of the content we provide, and to ensure that it is appropriately being displayed in relation to the small screen size and the scrolling function of these smartphones.

Marketing to different cultures can sometimes be a dreadful task. You might even spend countless days, months, and even years trying to get your message across, only to be left disappointed with the low response rates to your otherwise targeted ads. An Internet marketer is one that digs below the surface, in the most targeted manner, to identify the demographic factors that impact the decisions of different cultures. One way to communicate your message is to simply deliver it in their spoken language.

For the Latin American culture, this would mean creating ads in Spanish, Portuguese, or French. Another thing to consider is the average household income that widely varies across different cultures. Oftentimes, it may not be your product or service to blame, but instead the actual wealth of consumers in a certain country. Understanding the consumer habits of a culture gives you additional insight as to why they make the decisions they do. The age profile of your target market is a factor that should be considered, because their characteristics can be completely different from one another.

If you’re a mobile advertiser and you’re seeking ways to grow your business, then consider extending your reach out to the adult audience and not just teens. A great way to do this is by creating an e-mail registration form on your website with an option for mobile subscribers that are already interested in your products or services to opt-in to receive text messages on their cell phones. Have a strong “call-to-action” on the form and follow through with whatever it is you promised to deliver - whether its coupons, free giveaways, and anything else along the lines of what you initially offered when they filled out the form. The key here is to make your adult audience aware that they will be receiving a message on their cell phones. Make it easy for them to share the relevant piece of information with their friends and family members whom which they feel might also take interest in.

In order to capture the attention of adult audiences, there needs to be mobile applications that are relevant to that specific demographic group. Since we’re thinking in the perspective terms of an adult, the applications that come to mind include: mobile banking, mobile career search, interactive gaming, or if you have the technical aptitude, you can even create your own app. In fact, it may even be a lot easier than you think! A social media and Internet consultant by the name of Navarrow Wright mentioned this in one of his articles.


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